There is no point in reading this text seriously. It is addressed to the happy owners of windows of various versions, who are afraid even of the need to install the JVM. All the operations described in the second part can be performed more correctly and safer, but there should not be anything complicated in our simplification
No matter what anyone says, the ice situation in the domestic segment is becoming more and more difficult. They've taken us seriously, they're covering us with flags, they're blowing up smooth paths trampled across endless ice fields, they're tearing up the usual food delivery routes with icebreakers, and under the pretext of fighting poachers, they're setting traps behind every second hummock. Everything is leading to the fact that passage from one ice floe to another will soon occur only through a checkpoint with machine gunners, upon a preliminary application in writing and after presenting a passport and a mandate from the fisheries inspection. And only disobedient poachers will laugh in their fox collars at the pathetic attempts of geological parties from the mainland to ruin their lives.
Part 1:
Many were afraid of this, while others waited and prepared. Some resigned themselves, some made sacrifices to the pagan gods, and some equipped reserve command posts on decommissioned submarines and established acoustic communication with other similar boats in sub-ice depths that were not yet under the control of geologists and fisheries authorities. And to communicate with the underwater world, ordinary hunters and reindeer herders are offered to spin holes in the pack ice, cast fishing rods into them, stock up on stronger coffee and, using a special attachment on earflaps, convert the vibrations of the fishing line into initial information. But on the one hand, the hole itself is a serious unmasking factor, on the other hand, not everyone has the strength to spin the hole and constantly carry the brace with them, and on the third, the attachment for earflaps cannot be particularly adapted to a robotic spinning rod, not to mention elite polished apple tree fishing rods . Therefore, some invent more exotic options, such as a copper basin constantly submerged under water, which will transmit the vibrations of the fishing line, bypassing the ear flaps, directly into the ear of a polar fox, onto the chrome parts of a spinning rod, or onto the African design of the handle of a foppish fishing rod. In this situation, it will be possible not to sit near the hole, but to leave the brace in a basin submerged under ice. Theoretically, for these purposes, you can take free containers from the secondary color metal warehouse in Anadyr, but the reliability will be below average, sea water will constantly drip onto the high boots and the uptime of the system will become unpredictable. So, to solve this problem, I would advise you to take a chance on a new copper basin from merchants on the other side of the Bereng Strait, or at least a tin one for $9.99 a year. There are currently at least 6 options from 9 to 13 dollars per year. In the search directory of retail warehouses, tin basins are listed under OpenVZ VPS (OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers). You don’t have to pay much attention to the volume of the container and the convenience of the handles - by its nature, information from the underwater world will drip drop by drop and you won’t be able to take much with you anyway. Therefore, let’s look at the features of immersion in water and coupling a basin with a desktop computer and a smartphone using the example of the cheapest option from here. For this we need quite a bit of electrical tape, 18 self-tapping screws, plink.exe, PuTTY and an old compass. And for maximum simplification, let’s play the elusive Joe and perform all operations from root.
After payment, we will be sent an IP address, Username and Root pass to access the console in a cover letter. The virtual machine is usually completely bare and everything will have to be done from scratch. connect to the host via PuTTY and:
1. We’re trying to find out what kind of distribution they gave us
lsb_release -a
and find out that it is Debian
2. Let's update the repositories
apt-get update
I have a stupid habit of installing mc first because of its editor
apt-get install mc
and immediately change the ssh port to the standard mail port 110, which is passed everywhere
mcedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
port 110
F2, F10
but these steps can be completely skipped. If you still decide to change the port, you need to restart SSH
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
and reconnect via the new port
3. install I2P support
mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/i2p-maintainers/i2p/ubuntu natty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/i2p-maintainers/i2p/ubuntu natty main
and saveUpdate the list and install packages
apt-get update
apt-get install i2p
Let's start
dpkg-reconfigure -plow i2p
do not forget to allocate 32 megabytes of memory
As a result, we now have an I2P proxy on our host, which can be tunneled via SSH with encryption using a simple .bat file next to plink.exe
echo y | plink -ssh -2 -P 110 -C -N -l root -pw пароль -L 2222:
where is the IP address of our basin
In this example, the browser needs to be connected to a proxy
Since the default braking gateway false.i2p is used as an outproxy, it is almost impossible to view regular pages through this design. Therefore it is better to use a .pac proxy automatic configuration file with the contents:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (dnsDomainIs(host, ".i2p")) {
return "PROXY";
} else {
return "DIRECT";
Without adding subscriptions, many resources in I2P will not want to open the first time. To get around this, use the link to jump service on the error page

To use from a mobile phone, you will have to abandon traffic encryption and the SSH tunnel, remove the restriction for access only from host in the settings of the I2P-HTTP proxy running on the remote server (put there) and connect through a proxy
It wouldn’t hurt to disable the use of our server as a router in the rest of the I2P network and write some nice interface to ptlink on some autoit. In addition, the remote host can be used as a regular SOCKS5 or HTTPS proxy with traffic encryption to bypass blocking. If anyone is interested in the obvious details, there will be a continuation.
PS For some reason I couldn’t find a search, but it turns out there was already a thread on the same topic and more thoughtfully
Sorry for the repeat.